In the last few years, a variety of breast enhancement pumps have appeared on the market. These devices subject the breasts to a sustained level of suction, which encourages gradual permanent growth.
Doctors have known for years that human tissue, when subjected to gentle tension, will expand. The cells that are under this tension expand and divide to form new cells. This phenomenon, known as tissue expansion, has been used in breast reconstruction and limb lengthening.
Another way to envision tissue expansion is to imagine ear plugs. Members of many tribes have historically used gradually increasing plugs or discs to increase the size of ear-piercings or the lower lip. Tissue expansion makes this possible.
Breast enhancement pumps exert vacuum pressure on the breasts, causing them to pull away from the body and stimulating breast cells to expand and multiply. In addition, the suction draws additional blood into the breasts, engorging them (the same principle behind penis enhancement pumps).
Initial growth is due to temporary swelling, and subsides very quickly. Permanent results are possible with continued long-term application of the breast enhancement pump.
On average, a woman needs to gain 189 cc per cup (cubic centimeters – the way that breast implant volume is measured) to increase her breasts a single size.
After ten weeks of wearing the Brava breast enhancement pump for ten hours per day, the Brava website states that a woman can expect an additional 50 ccs of breast tissue – approximately 1/3 of a cup size.
Compare Perfect Curves: take the capsules twice per day, apply the cream twice per day, and expect the same amount of growth or more in ten weeks.
Breast enhancement pumps range from the ridiculously inexpensive to the astonishingly pricey. Short-term breast enhancement pumps designed to increase breast size for an hour or two can be had for around $50, but remember, results aren't permanent.
The Brava breast enhancement pump system costs $2500 and is only available through doctors. This device is meant to be worn for 10 hours per day (or presumably at night).
If you seek only short-term breast enhancement or are comfortable wearing a suction device every night, perhaps you should choose breast enhancement pumps.
If you want all-natural breast enhancement that's permanent, and you don't have to mortgage the house to afford, try Perfect Curves. Perfect Curves has a 90-day, no-questions-asked guarantee. It's worked for thousands of women and it will work for you.