Breast Enhancement Exercise: Bench Press
- Lie face up on a bench. Your feet may be on the bench or flat on the floor, depending on what is
most comfortable for you.
- Grip a set of dumbbells and raise them to arm's length above the chest. Make sure your palms
face forward.
- Slowly lower the weight to the chest. Exhale as you raise the weight and inhale as the weight is
lowered. Don't arch your lower back – this is bad for your spine.
- Start out light. It's better to tone your muscles with a weight that's a little light rather
than something that's too heavy. Every year, thousands of people injure themselves in the gym
with too-heavy weights.
- Always have someone spot for you when you're working with a barbell instead of
hand weights
Remember – these exercises will be most effective when combined
with Perfect Curves breast enhancement capsules and Perfect Curves
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